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Dolores Cannon - Between Death And Life. Conversations With A Spirit
Dolores Cannon - Between Death And Life. Conversations With A Spirit

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What happens at the point of death? Where do we go afterwards? Does one's personality survive after death? How are the good and the bad experiences of life accounted for? What is the purpose of life? These are questions everybody asks and no one is more capable of providing accurate answers than Dolores Cannon. Between Death And Life presents a vast body of information that Dolores accumulated during sessions with clients who relived their dying experiences in past lives where hundreds of subjects reported the same memories. The similarity and sincerity of their recollections are too convincing to be ignored. This book is a good introduction to the death experience, to guides and guardian angels, ghosts and walk-ins. It examines different levels of existence in the spirit realms, the healing places for damaged souls, the schools where you integrate lessons learned on Earth and where you discover the laws of the Universe, how you plan your next incarnation, the lessons to be learned and future karmic relationships before birth.  

data wydania: 1993 (data przybliżona)
ISBN: 9781940265001
liczba stron: 290
język: angielski

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